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Today, China literally context study dissertation a talking point at all international forums. Besides some other issues involving human rights, Tibet, Taiwan etc. the rapid progress made by the country on the trade and industry front has provided a leading edge to China. China has seen remarkable growth in its economy and the living standards of its citizens since it adopted a more open and liberal stance under the premiership of Chairman Deng Xiao Ping.
With a huge consumer base of 1. Over the years IT has led to revolutionizing the way business is conducted, education is imparted, we communicate, we socialize, illness is cured etc. IT has made its mark in almost all spheres of life.
IT-enabled services, manufacturing, marketing, communication, E-commerce and M-commerce are the trendy application of this IT era. Now a company or business entity has plenty of avenues to reach the customer, context study dissertation. Business on the move is the latest addition. China is an attractive market for Multi-National Enterprises, a cheaper manufacturing hub for production-oriented companies and an upcoming outsourcing destination for IT companies. But at the same time, some hiccups are there in implementing and managing technologies in the country.
This study is an effort towards analyzing the development of Context study dissertation as a hub of manufacturing activities and a source of cheaper goods and services. How the perception of the western world has changed over the years towards building stronger ties with China and how the Chinese government has been trying to make the country more business-friendly, context study dissertation, are some of the issues which are studied in this paper. China has made rapid advancements during the last years period, with increased emphasis on liberalisation policies.
Li-Hua and Khalil point out that the Chinese economy has been a blend of market economy and command economy. Therefore under such precautionary measures, the MNCs are not able to find out the ability to do much manoeuvring in implementing a range of strategies. Managing the technology is one such field that requires enough breathing space as it happens to be a capital intensive initiative. Despite the high growth rates, this is being considered a remarkable achievement on the part of China.
China is a nation full of potential consumers, which is an attraction for companies in the western world. What deters these companies to pursue a vigorous path to mark their presence in China is — some of the protective policies and not so friendly attitude of the Chinese government. Trade is a sensitive issue, which involves not only the legal and technological issues, but most of it depends upon the political equations. The fact, that the three Presidential candidates in the USA are not ready to talk on trade issues, while openly coming out with their views on many other issues, is an indication of the sensitive nature of trade relations between nations Economist, Technology transfer is generally considered a high-commitment, high-risk and high-potential investment and it requires a lot of trust-building mechanisms to effectively manage the technology.
How the technology implementation is managed, context study dissertation, depends upon the management team and the logistic support provided by the legal system of the land. The US government, for example, identifies three key areas of global trade and technology transfer.
These include Sales and contracts with foreign buyers imposing conditions leading to technology transfer, joint ventures with foreign partners involving technology sharing and next-generation development, and foreign investments in US industry that create technology transfer opportunities that may raise either economic or national security concerns. In the US government view, China scores poorly in at least two areas 1.
China has been a source of attraction for multinational companies on account of the availability of cheaper labour force, proximity to the vast market base of the South Asian region, opening up of its economy and doors for foreign investments.
But there are a few hiccups experienced by the MNCs, which has the potential to slow down the rate of investments in China from abroad, context study dissertation.
This study is therefore being carried out with an aim of taking a realistic look at the ground situation and analyzing the issues and difficulties in the process of technology management. In general, the study is being undertaken to focus on the following objectives. The study will not only enrich my knowledge base as a student but will also help in carrying ahead the thread for other researchers in near future.
As with any research project, determining the best methodology to gather data when conducting research is of paramount importance. Inevitably, any discussion of the methodology involves a debate over the pros and cons of quantitative analysis versus qualitative analysis. Both types of analysis require data and facts and figures, which can be gathered either through primary sources or secondary sources. Some of the primary sources will be the interviews and opinions that we seek to solicit from the technology management people and general users of communication devices.
The aim of this project is to research, context study dissertation, examine, report and assess the impact of a transition towards a technology-intensive and industrialised China with promising investment opportunities in a wide range of sectors. The telecommunication sector provides a networked community embedded in m-commerce and related applications Therefore an effort will be made to study the path taken by the technology to arrive at this position and how it has impacted the effectiveness of providing service to the consumer.
Using reliable secondary sources of data would yield the required information to make the comparisons and further investigate the trend. Moreover, context study dissertation, the use of secondary research allows for the analysis of a broad range of topics that can be thoroughly investigated and has proven to be credible. According to Haleymany researchers have opted to conduct secondary research as opposed to primary research, because of limited opportunities for conducting primary research and the costs of qualitative work that goes into conducting such research.
In these respects, the impetus behind the approach is similar to the one which informed the secondary analysis of quantitative context study dissertation Procter as cited in Heaton, The research used in this discussion comes from several sources including books, government documents, reputed websites and scholarly journals.
The research also relies upon documentary evidence. Some of the main steps involved in this project are. China is a country with context study dissertation population of 1.
At a more conservative 6 per cent annual growth rate, the economy would double every 12 years, overtaking the current U. income per person in context study dissertation Hoguet, also figures out that the Chinese economy has shown a growth rate of 9. Today China is gradually yet firmly integrating into the global economy. With more impetus to market-oriented policies, the economy is changing from a centrally planned system to a more market-oriented one in which context study dissertation private sector is playing a big role.
But the internal conflictions appear more prominent with large economic disparities between urban and rural areas and serious income inequality amongst the masses CountryWatch, On the one hand, there was the antipathy towards the US and its policies, while on the other hand the example of the disintegration of a formidable communist nation like the USSR further widened the dilemma of Chinese policy makers.
Gradually globalization took firm roots in the country and now China is allowing MNCs even in sensitive areas like telecommunication, context study dissertation, insurance and banking. In fact, in the last couple of years, the Chinese economy has been able to register double-digit growth rates, which promises a context study dissertation future for the consumer market.
China was the front runner in the Asian subcontinent as far as preparing the ground for 3G technologies is concerned. It started allocating spectrum for 3G technologies and putting up infrastructure for 3G services at the beginning of the 21 st century itself ITU, The neighbouring country India is giving intense competition to China as far as the spread of IT is concerned, context study dissertation, but context study dissertation liberalization and globalization taking firm shape in the country, we are bound to see a strong China in terms of telecom services.
The forthcoming Olympics in might provide an opportunity for Chinese rulers for coming out with some radical policy announcements. China has already taken on the Western telecommunication standards, by coming out with its own version of CDMA standards, called TD-SCDMA. China has announced to establish its own 3G standards, which will be used for Universal Mobile Telecommunications System UMTS networks in the country Kowalke, Approved by ITU in Maythe TD-SCDMA provides a window of opportunity to China ITU, It is no doubt a radical step and goes with the Chinese context study dissertation of taking on the world, and amounts to making the Chinese telecom market somewhat more context study dissertation. In fact, after the Chinese declaration of the newer standards for the country in January research reports indicate that GSM, the global standards prevalent in other countries, will still continue to be the dominant technology in China at least over the next five to eight years ABI, But there are equally encouraging reports as far as the growth of TD-SCDMA patrons is concerned.
Reports indicate that the total market size for this type of access network has touched a market of RMB 7, context study dissertation.
For a company to acquire a competitive advantage over its rivals some of the strategies that can be used are; marketing efforts, brand building, value creation, innovation, operational efficiencies etc.
But more important is to sustain the advantage. Some of the value addition gradually takes the form of threshold competencies for the organisation, and the consumer starts expecting these value additions from the company. Optimum value configuration is achieved by the company with active support from. Initially Chinese export of cheaper goods to other countries became its identity as a source of cheaper labour and goods, context study dissertation, but the growing economy, improvement in the business environment and educational system has started establishing the country as a hub of knowledge workers as well Crocitto et al.
After the establishment of the WTO regime in China, even foreign MNCs have started utilising the cheaper context study dissertation bases of China. For example, GM, context study dissertation, Coca-Cola, Intel, Sony, Kodak, Dell etc are some of the reputed companies having set up their manufacturing facilities in China. Context study dissertation is worthwhile here to mention that many of these companies are technology-intensive, context study dissertation, require effective coordination and management at the local as well as at the international level.
With efforts by the Chinese government to improve the number of good English speakers in the country, the efforts of establishing it as a responsible knowledge base are bound to translate into a successful change in the reputation of China. In a study conducted by Carraher et ala comparison was made between entrepreneurial service performance and technology management skills of Chinese and Japanese people.
Scores for Japanese employees were slightly higher, producing means of 3. If the study is an indication, then China appears all set to establish itself as a responsible nation even in managing the technology as well. There are some successful context study dissertation of China where the domestic companies were able to have a smooth transition from abroad as far as technological tie-up was concerned.
The development of the Maglev Railway in Shanghai with the cooperation between China and Germany is one such example Li-Hua, Inthe magnetic train in Shanghai, context study dissertation, built with German technology, created the fastest speed kilometres per hour on the first magnetic railway in the world.
Garcı´a-Muina states that effectively sustaining a technology-based competitive advantage can be defined as maintenance of a privileged position as a leader, once other agents have given up in their attempts to reach it.
But the speed with which advancements are taking place in technology, no company or no country can feel secure if continuous follow up actions are not there in line with evolving technologies and market demands, context study dissertation.
Li-Hua figures out that the technology strategy of China has played a significant role in developing the technical capability and economy of the country. The domestic car industry is one such context study dissertation that has not been able to benefit from the technology transfers while cars made and run in China happen to be foreign brands Li-Hua, Politics and businesses operate in a unique blend of networking of stakes, context study dissertation.
While politics need businesses to finance their requirements for money, corporate houses require politicians for furthering their business interests. This is no trade secret and is practised across the world with different sets of understandings and deals. They are supposed to uphold the ethics and principles of good governance. In principle, the politicians, being public figures, context study dissertation, are supposed to lead exemplary lives, without being influenced by any vested interests.
Chinese political establishment appears to have handled context study dissertation economic scene much more effectively than those of some of its neighbours like India.
A study carried out by Nicholas R. This speaks volumes about the kind of potential China has shown to the world. On the front of mobile commerce as well, China took a lead with the China Merchants Bank launched the internet payment system in The average consumer seems to have supported the move because thereafter, the Chinese mainland saw widespread moves towards internet banking and telephone banking system Laforet, Having inspired the marketers, context study dissertation, with a vision of a billion people consuming international brands downtown, China is now recognized as a capable global competitor in its own right.
The international community is curious to know more about China so that it can be a part of a huge market-driven economy. Asia is a happening place as far as the spread of globalization is concerned.
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, time: 4:54How to write a dissertation introduction

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