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What is the correct line spacing in APA Style? - All About Essays
Hi Vchris, I accept what you are saying about wasting paper, dissertation double line spacing, but an important feature of double line spacing is the ability to write comments between the printed text - very useful for marking or editing purposes. Late to the discussion - just catching up on web 2. Hi Vmarcus In my experience students would prefer electronic annotated documents using the comment facility in Word for example.
A single blank line never seems enough room to write much of a comment anyway. However I am talking here about final versions, not those used in providing feedback to students.
Post a Comment. skip to main skip to sidebar The Wallace Line. Saturday, November 04, Double line spacing in Dissertations. It is standard practice to require dissertations to be double-spaced. In the age of word processors, one wonders why this practice persists.
This must surely be a legacy from the days when dissertations were typewritten and students were allowed dissertation double line spacing make corrections in situ rather than re-print. Word processors have eliminated that problem, dissertation double line spacing.
Double-spacing might also be suitable for drafts which require annotation for editing, but final copies of dissertations are not used in this way and modern techniques such as commenting do this job. Primo Levi's 'Chromium' in 'The Periodic Table' has several great examples of the way solutions to old probelms hang around even when the problem not longer exists. I have seen readability expressed as another reason for double-spacing.
It's not easy to track down the evidence for this. Kruk and Muter report "single spacing produced reading that was Other writers express the view that this convention is out-moded e. the author of dissertation double line spacing Tex manual : link Princeton University now accepts single-spaced printed copies although ProQuest an online dissertation repository still requires double-spacing for the electronic copy and hence all printed copies therefrom.
It is claimed that this improved on-line readability. A PhD Student in the US has calculated that 20, reams of paper would be saved if ProQuest accepted single-spaced.
Double-spacing is often mandated in legal practice but even here the convention is challenged. Posted by chris wallace at pm. Chris pm. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Links Cruising with Aremiti My Delicious My UWE home. About Me chris wallace View my complete profile.
How To Get Double Line Spacing In OpenOffice Writer
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What a dissertation should look like Format. A good way to do this is to set your spacing at 12pt after a line. If you don’t know how to set line spacing, see a demo. Some departments may want you to indent as well as leaving a line space. Check with your supervisor. Double check these with your supervisor or your department’s I had looked into Dissertation Double Line Spacing many tutoring services, but they weren't affordable and did not understand my custom-written needs. blogger.com's services, on the other hand, is a perfect match for all my written needs. The writers are reliable, honest, extremely knowledgeable, and the results are always top of the class! Dissertation Double Line Spacing for a student to use a reliable service that gives guarantees than Dissertation Double Line Spacing a freelance writer. You never know if this writer is an honest person who will deliver a paper on time. There is also a risk of getting a poorly written essay or a plagiarized one
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