Business & Management Dissertation Help. Studying the business and management field requires a lot from students, and this is not just financially speaking. When you’re enrolled in higher education attempting to get a business degree, you’ll be asked a lot. This starts with attending lectures and classes and goes to passing exams and writing endless papers and projects Aug 16, · Introduction. The subject of management involves an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of business management, such as employee management, risk management, organisational behaviour, and many more. When choosing a topic for your management dissertation, make sure to consider diverse topics that explore both the theoretical and practical aspects of Estimated Reading Time: 13 mins Best Business management Dissertation Topics for masters and undergraduate students. Here is the list of Business management research topics list: Impact of COVID’19 on Business management strategies and approaches in the mobile market. The effects of multiple managers in Business administration in the case of Samsung
Business Dissertation Topics and Titles - Research Prospect
Barriers to entry for a new venture looking to penetrate the online retail industry: High-End Furniture. Conducting this MBA research was indispensable provided the paucity of research undertaken into why the e-commerce adoption rate has been slow among retailers of high-end furniture, while other retailers were more amenable to venturing into online, and selling there.
Firstly, the researchers employ interviewing, and qualitative data generation method to generate data. Secondly, thematic analysis was completed with the use of NVIO. Thirdly, the researcher presents the results of the research and identifies the key barriers to e-commerce adoption by producers of high-end furniture. Executive Summary This MBA dissertation was conducted to identify the barriers to entry in e-commerce dissertation in business management retailers of high-end producers, and to determine the relative importance of these barriers in relation to each other, dissertation in business management.
The research employs qualitative research method to examine why the rate of e-commerce adoption has been low in high-end furniture, unlike in other categories. The results suggest that these barriers to entries somehow hinder producers of high-end furniture from venturing into e-commerce and selling their furniture online.
Rendered mainstream by Amazon, o nline retailing i. Online marketplace or a dedicated store can offer unprecedented opportunities to business, big and small. The U. This considerable number of online retailers generating the threshold revenue testifying to how online retail industry has gained such traction.
McKinsey expound on the increase in e-commerce luxury sales, and maintains that the growth will be tripled bysuggesting the ever importance of e-commerce adoption for high-end furniture retailers.
The introduction of online marketplace platforms, such as Shopify dissertation in business management BigCommece have lowered the barriers to entry into online-retailing, thus democratizing access to an online marketplace.
Nonetheless, penetrating and gaining a foothold in the online retaliating is still fraught with obstacles and challenges. These obstacles and challenges in penetrating the online retailing are referred to as barriers to entry, which are essentially obstacles hindering new entrants from penetrating a particular. There is a clear gap in academic research into the barriers to entries into the online retailing. The dissertation in business management of the academic literature concentrate on the extrinsic benefits business can derive from venturing into online relating.
Therefore, dissertation in business management is a clear need for more research into the barriers to entry for luxury furniture producers. By identifying the barriers to entry into the online marketplace, luxury furniture makers can better be equipped with strategy to overcome such barriers to entry, rendering their strategy more proactive. This business research paper aims to identify the existing barriers to entry into the online retailing for luxury furniture producers, dissertation in business management, and recommend strategies for luxury furniture makers when attempting to penetrate the online retail landscape, dissertation in business management.
This business dissertation aims to answer these research hypothesis, and achieve the research objectives of identifying barriers to entry for penetrating online retail for luxury furniture procedures.
Research questions are essential, and they dictate the research methods Strauss and Corbin Researching the barriers into entry and recommending strategies for luxury furniture makers is the key part of this business research. There is voluminous academic literature conducted into the barriers of entry into online retailing.
Nonetheless, most of the research concentrates on most types of businesses making them inapplicable to specific businesses such as high-end furniture retailers.
The rate of e-commerce adoption among SMEs pale into comparison next to that among large companies MacGregor and Vrazalic, MacGregor and Vrazalic cite that notwithstanding the government support and improvements in internet infrastructure, mainly large companies were able to leverage their e-commerce websites, and derive economic benefits. The reluctancy of high-end furniture makers are derived from barriers to entry, which will be analyzed below.
Nonetheless, most of the research carried out on barriers to entry concentrate on SMEs. E-commerce has been able to penetrate all aspects of our lives. There are a number of valid definitions of what e-commerce is in academic literature. Wigand defined e-commerce as a process whereby the Internet is utilized to conduct economic activities, dissertation in business management, or activities from which economic gain be derived.
On the other hand, WTO provided for a more encompassing and extensive definition of what e-commerce was by citing that e-commerce is utilizing the Internet as a platform where dissertation in business management miscellaneous services could be conducted.
Bain provided a definition for an entry barrier, defining it as anything which enable incumbent companies to sustain above-normal profits without the threat of entry. Companies sometimes erect barriers to entry to insulate themselves from new entrants and sustain their profitability. Zaid has compartmentalized the barriers to entries for SMEs, dissertation in business management, and categorized them as social, legal, dissertation in business management, cultural, technological, political and organizational.
Zaied rated the relative importance of each factors in militating against small business starting an e-commerce website, cited social and cultural factors as the least important ones. Subba et al. Notwithstanding, Subba et al. Dholakia and Kshetri suggest that there are both external and internal factors impeding e-commerce adoption among SMEs, dissertation in business management, and compartmentalized the factors into these subgroups.
Dholakia and Kshetri studied a number of SMEs at varying levels of e-commerce adoption, and concluded that prior technology use among SME owners was an essential factor.
The findings of Dholakia and Kshetri are in harmony with those of Yazdanifard and Zargar which also emphasize how e-commerce adoption can be hindered by a paucity of technological know-how. On the other dissertation in business management, success in e-commerce adoption depends on a number of diverse variables, suggests Polatoglu Polatoglu cites that success in e-commerce adoption depends on strategic choices and organizational capacities. Cultural factors hindering e-commerce adoption have been explored dissertation in business management academic research.
Travica cites how important cultural factors can impede e-commerce adoption, emphasizing how cultural perceptions averse to ICT can in fact become a barrier to entry for e-commerce adoption. Competitive pressure spurs IT innovation, and facilities e-commerce adoption, as suggested by Battisti et al Perceived benefits of e-commerce incentive businesses to go online, as found by Gibbs and Kraemer The Economist cites that patents, licensing and dissertation in business management such can be the most insurmountable for firms looking to venture into the online marketplace and sell their products there.
These barriers act as an insulation for dissertation in business management exiting companies in any given industry.
Ozyasar also came to comparable discussion, by emphasizing how permissions or licenses can act as very steep barriers to entry, discouraging new entrants from penetrating the industries which are subject to licensing, dissertation in business management, and permission.
Hornie and Zammit also discuss how licensing and regulations can be high barriers to entry. Nonetheless, dissertation in business management, they cite how online gambling and casinos are subjected to these licensing practices, not e-commerce retailers.
Logistics also referred to as fulfillment plays a key role in ensuring that e-commerces thrive in the global market. Kayikci finds that the integration of logistics and supply chain can be taxing, but SMEs has to leverage their resources to ensure they make improvements in their logistics. The unprecedented growth in the number of personal vehicles being purchased and driven by consumers constitutes another threat to e-commerce since the increase in the number of cars leads to congestion, thereby, dissertation in business management, prolonging delivery times de Souza et al Ghezzi et al.
infrastructure with problems in logistics, and suggested a number of recommendations in terms of strategizing to ensure that the problems associated with infrastructure are mitigated. Incumbents in the e-commerce industry have exhibited a penchant for utilizing their mass output and economy of scale to render fast and secure shipping, like Amazon does for little or no fee. Lewis found a positive relationship between customer acquisition and low shipping fees.
Gr anted, most SMEs are devoid of the financial and technological clout to render swift and inexpensive shipping, dissertation in business management, this acts as one of the key barriers to entry. Delivery of items ordered occurs frequently in e-commerce. These delays can act as a huge disincentive for the consumers, dissertation in business management, and make them less like to procure e-commerce products, found Franco and Regi S AT Kearney, a consultancy based in South Korea, also cites that logistics remains a huge problem for e-commerce business, a conclusion which is in harmony with that of Franco and Regi S Overall, ensuring efficient delivery requires more skills and know-how on part of businesses looking to take their businesses to online.
Since ensuring seamless delivery and managing logistics requires better integration of technologies over the supply chain. As much as there t ends to be a virtual consensus among researchers as to the how licensing, and permission can constitute high barriers to entry, e-commerce retailing is ordinarily not subject to these restrictive licensing practices, testifying to the inapplicability of these entry to barriers for e-commerce retailers.
Economies of scale as a barrier to entry can be gained from having a dominant position in an industry. There are a number of academic literature suggesting the importance of economies of scale as a relatively high barrier to entry. Ferguson cites the importance of scale economies by asserting how mass production by the incumbent companies enable them to sustain their portability, and acting as a deterrence for up-coming companies to enter the industry.
Dissertation in business managementon the other handconcludes that economies of scale as a barrier to entry is far from effective, downplaying its importance as a high barrier to entry. Rayport and Jaworski come to similar conclusions as Scmalenseeby indicating that economies dissertation in business management scale as a barrier to entry is undermined with the advent of e-commerce.
There persists the notion of early mover advantage within e-commerce businesses, and early mover advantage with e-businesses translate into strategic advantage, suggests Wang et al The rate at which insurgent e-commerce retailers can gain competitive advantage can be retarded by early movers into e- commerce, dissertation in business management, such as Amazon, argues Wang et al Currently, there are a number of tool e-commerce businesses can utilize to overcome these seeming barriers.
Nonetheless, the proliferation of tools has lowered these barriers to entries to e-commerce retailers, dissertation in business management, as suggested by Donkovtceva There is a contention as to whether economies of scale can act as a high barrier to entry for e-commerce businesses, with some academic literature stressing its importance, and some depreciating its role as barrier to entry.
Khurana suggests that, dissertation in business management an e—commerce website can be set up with relative easeit can be quite onerous for e-commerce business including high-end furniture retailers to acquire new customers.
Customer acquisition online somehow considered to be more taxing and onerous, unlike at a physical store. Hirt and Willmott agree on the fact that e-commerce has afforded customer more transparency as to the pries, ushering in an era of laser focus on price matching, and feature-comparing. These new trends suggest that acquiring customers has been rendered more complicated as a result of the e-commerce boom.
When e-commerce stores offering comparable products abound, it causes confusion for the customer as to what to choose from, and such optionality leads to lower switching costs. Dissertation in business management et al found that switching costs are lower in the e-commerce, since technology has shifted how consumer perceive product makers, and make purchasing decisions.
Customer loyalty is key in sustaining any e-commerce businesses, and it correlated with switching costs. Low switching costs signifies how e-commerce business can lose customers even if they make a minor mistake in its execution, finds Yen suggest that the fact low barriers to entries in e-commerce have ushered in a proliferation of e-commerce websites, dissertation in business management. The unprecedented increase has directly translated into high competition amongst e-commerce businesses intending to entice more consumers.
Technological skills of employees also play a key role in ensuring the success of e-commerce websites. Technological skills associated with implementing and maintaining an e-commerce website can be high.
There persists a paucity of skilled workforce equipped with technological skills, and this is an entry to barrier to e-commerce in and of itself, discuss Odedra and Straub Ainin and Noorismawati also found that the presence of technological skills can play a key role. The businesses. Ainin and Noorismawati provides support to the fact that the paucity of technologically-knowledgeable workforce was one of the important factors hindering e-commerce adoption.
Mata et al suggest that technological readiness con-sits of two parts- technological infrastructure and human resource which can manipulate and leverage the technology to complement the e-commerce business. Greater integration among supply chains is key. Nonetheless, dissertation in business management, integrating of supply chains entails economic costs, as asserted by Al-Qirim Yazdanifard and Zargar suggest that e-commerce will play even a bigger role in the future of retail.
They contend that this dissertation in business management of unprecedented growth requires labor i. workforce skilled at implementing and managing e-commerce websites.
Top 25 Topics to write a Dissertation on Business Management
, time: 1:30Dissertation Business Management - Sample Dissertation
Business & Management Dissertation Help. Studying the business and management field requires a lot from students, and this is not just financially speaking. When you’re enrolled in higher education attempting to get a business degree, you’ll be asked a lot. This starts with attending lectures and classes and goes to passing exams and writing endless papers and projects Business Management is a wide area of study covering multiple domains through a unified academic course. Business management dissertation topics are mainly concentrated in four major areas of study that lead to proficiency in these areas at the Masters' level of study. The following is a list of possible research topics for business management to enable the learner to identify his area of interest and Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Aug 16, · Introduction. The subject of management involves an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of business management, such as employee management, risk management, organisational behaviour, and many more. When choosing a topic for your management dissertation, make sure to consider diverse topics that explore both the theoretical and practical aspects of Estimated Reading Time: 13 mins
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